Day 1 - Tuesday 10th March 2009

0730 - 1730

Registration Desk Open

0800 - 0915

CONGRESS OPENING - Session Room: LaTrobe Theatre

Congress Opening Address

The Hon Warren Snowden

Minister for Defence Science and Personnel

Opening Keynote Address

Major General AP Tony Fraser, AM, CSC

Helicopter Systems Division

0915 - 0930

Move between sessions

HUMS Opening Keynote – Session Room You Yangs 1

1030 - 1000

Getting The Right Things Done in Developing Enterprise Health Management Systems

Roger Vodicka DSTO - AVD

1000 - 1030

Morning Tea


Session Room You Yangs 1


Session Room You Yangs 5

1030 - 1100

An Introduction to Condition Based Maintenance using reliability assessment methods*

Pierre L. Maisonneuve, Eurocopter

Super Hornet Usage Monitoring

Wing Commander Paul Parolo ASHPO

1100 - 1130

Reading the Tea Leaves: Considerations for the analysis of aircraft Oil Filter Debris*

Andy Becker DSTO

Characterization of Rotorcraft Recorded Maneuver/Regime Usage Variability

Suresh Moon, L3 Communications

1130 - 1200

Prognostic Based Product Reliability Monitoring

Michael Pecht, University of Maryland

Development of a Flight Manoeuver Recognition Program for the S-70A-9 Black Hawk Helicopter Using Information from the Flight Data Recorder*

Chris Dore DSTO

1200 - 1300

Buffet Lunch


KEYNOTE ADDRESS Session Room LaTrobe Theatre

Prof Joachim Szodruch

DLR German Aerospace Centre


Move between Session


Session Room You Yangs 1


Session Room You Yangs 5

1400 - 1430

Advanced HUMS Capabilities for Offshore Operations

Stephen Boakes, GE Aviation Systems Ltd

Roadmap for Helicopter Life Usage*

Catherine Cheung, Natioanl research Council Canada Institute For Aerospace Research

1430 - 1500

Advances in RTB Data Analysis,

Richard Hunt, Helitune Ltd

Architecture for Dynamic Component Life Tracking in Advanced HUMS, RFID, and Direct Load Sensor Environment

Nagaraja Iyyer, Scott Bradfield, et al, Technical Data Analysis Inc

1500 – 1530

A Description of the MRH-90 Health and Usage Monitoring System

James Fay, Australian Aerospace

The Optimization of exploiting fatique-life resources of the PZL-130 Orlik's Structure

Andrzej Leski, et al, Air Force Institute of Technology, Poland

1530 - 1600

Afternoon Tea


Session Room You Yangs 1


Session Room You Yangs 5

1600 - 1630

HISDES: a shared multinational Helicopter Intergrated Supportability Data Exchange System for the NH-90

A.A. (Lex) Ten Have, NLR, The Netherlands

WISD - Wireless Intelligent Sensing Devices

Nick Lieven, University of Bristol, UK

1630 - 1700

Open-Source Development of an Automated Maintenance Environment (AME) for Lower Cost, Collaborative Implementation of CBM+

Joseph Schmidley, USNavy SNWSC

Integrating Model-based Shaft Coupling Prognostics with Vibration Diagnostic Features

Carl Byington, Impact Technologies

1700 - 1730

The language of FMEA: on the effective use and reuse of FMEA data

Shoshanna Rudov-Clark, PHM Technology

Gas Turbine Casing Response to Blade Vibrations: Analytical and Experimental results

Gareth Forbes, University of NSW

1900 - 2330

Congress Dinner, Melbourne Cricket Ground

Keynote Address

Andy Thomas

NASA Astronaut

Day 2 - Wednesday 11th March 2009

0730 - 1730

Registration Desk Open

0830 - 0925

KEYNOTE ADDRESS Session Room: LaTrobe Theatre

Don Winter

Boeing Research & Technology

0925 - 0930

Move between sessions

HUMS APPLICATIONS – Session Room You Yangs 1

0930 - 1000

HUMS as a Service

Auryn Hughes, Dytecna Systems Engineering

1000 - 1030

C-130J Propeller Balancing

Brian Rebbechi, DSTO

1030 - 1100

Morning Tea


Session Room You Yangs 1


Session Room You Yangs 5

1100 - 1130

Strain predictions using Artificial Neural Networks for a full-scale fatigue monitoring system

Javier Gomez Escalonilla, EADS MTAD

The Research, Development, and Fielding Of A HUMS As An Enabler For Condition-Based Maintenance On U.S. Army Wheeled Ground Vehicles

Craig Hershey, US Army MSAA

1130 - 1200

In-Situ Structural Health Monitoing for Aircraft Structures

Steve Galea DSTO

Event based HUMS for Land Vehicles

Chris Doran, Industrea

1200 - 1300

Buffet Lunch


KEYNOTE ADDRESS Session Room LaTrobe Theatre

Tom Burbage

Lockheed-Martin Aeronautics Company


Move between Session


Session Room You Yangs 1


Session Room You Yangs 5

1400 - 1430

SEI Structural Data Recording System George Grove Systems & Electronics Inc

Combination of Fusion and Preprocessing Techniques to Enhance Air Vehicle HUMS

Carl Byington, Impact Technologies

1430 - 1500

Crack Initiation Detection and Crack Growth Monitoring with DMI Technology*

Reginald Vachon, Direct Measurements Inc

Automated design and optimisation of sensor sets for Condition-Based Monitoring

Shoshanna Rudov-Clark, PHM Technology

1500 – 1530

Structural Integrity Assessment of Plates using Vibration Monitoring: Theory and Simulation*

Kristnakumar Shankar, University of NSW

Towards Wireless Sensor Usage and Health Monitoring of Helicopter Rotor Components

Nick Lieven, University of Bristol, UK

1530 - 1600

Afternoon Tea


Session Room You Yangs 1


Session Room You Yangs 5

1600 - 1630

Rapid Operational Loads Monitoring Capability – CMPLE (Compact Multi-Parameter Loads Evaluation system)

Steve Galea, DSTO

Effects of limiting the bandwidth of the vibration signal on bearing fault detection and diagnosis using state of the art techniques

Nader Sawalhi, University of NSW

1630 - 1700

HUMS2009 Conference wrap-up and Feedback

1700 - 1705

Move between sessions

1705 - 1730

CONGRESS CLOSING Session Room LaTrobe Theatre

1830 - 2330

HUMS Conference Dinner, Immigration Museum

Day 3 - Thursday 12th March 2009

(Technical Briefings at Avalon Airshow)

0730 - 0900

Buses from Melbourne Convention Centre to Airshow

0915 - 0930

Coffee available outside Conference Centre


Session Room: Conference Room (located externally, opposite Hall B entrance)

0930 - 1000

ACRA Control and/or Heim data acquisition equipment


1000 - 1030

C130J-30 Propeller Balancing Software

Qinetiq Australia

1030 - 1100

TAE Management of RAAF F11 TF30 Engine Condition Monitoring Data

Matt Williams TAE

1100 - 1130

Demonstration of MADe Software

J Stecki, PHM Technology

1130 - 1200

HUMS: A Hands On Approach

ACRA Control

1200 - 1230

Demonstration of the CAMEO System – an Open-Source Automated Maintenance Environment

Joseph Schmidley, SPAWAR Pacific

1500 - 1700

Buses from Airshow to Melbourne Convention Centre