SUNDAY 22nd Feb 2015

1700 -1930

Registration Opens – Hilton South Wharf

1800 -1930

Welcome Reception – Hilton South Wharf

MONDAY 23rd Feb 2015

0805 - 1005

Congress Opening Plenary Session, MCEC Meeting Room 212

Congress Opening Address, Plenary Address and Keynote Addresses 1 & 2

1005 - 1030

Morning tea – Level 2 Foyer

Meeting Room 218 Chair: Joanna Kappas, DSTO

1030 - 1120

HUMS KEYNOTE 1: The Black Box in support of aircraft safety, 1. Peter Warren^, 2. Neil Campbell (ATSB)^, 3. Neil Campbell (ATSB)^.

1120 - 1145

HUMS are NOT a Magic Bullet, Graham Forsyth

1145 - 1210

Moving Beyond Aircraft Health Monitoring Mythology: The Journey Toward Obtaining Tangible Life-Cycle Management ROI.* Stephen Hall, Celeris

1210 - 1310

LUNCH – Level 2 Foyer

Session Theme: Helicopter applications

Session Theme: Life Cycle Cost Management/Land HUMS I

Meeting Room 218 Chair: Dr Wenyi Wang, DSTO

Meeting Room 215 Chair: Professor Nick Lieven, University of Bristol

1310 - 1335

MH-60 Droop Stop Pounding Identification, Dr. Suresh Moon, Daniel Liebschutz.

The challenge of forecasting the cost of complex military, aerospace and weapons projects, Dale Shermon, QinetiQ

1335 - 1400

Energy Harvesting, Wireless Fiber Optic Sensor (WiFOS™) Structural Health Monitor System for Helicopter Rotors, Edgar Mendoza, Connie Kempen, Yan Esterkin, Sunjian Sun (Redondo Optics)

Generic mobile device deployment for Aerospace Ground Support Equipment HUMS implementation, Craig Watkins & Ed Custeau

1400 - 1425

Investigation of a helicopter harsh landing based on signals from installed sensors, Andrzej Leski, Marcin Kurdelski, Michal Stefaniuk (AD, AFIT, Warsaw)

Models and Tools for the Cost/Benefit Analysis of Condition Based Maintenance, Guy Edward Gallasch, DSTO

1425 - 1450

Panel Session 1: Myths of HUMS

1450 - 1520

Afternoon tea – Level 2 Foyer

Session Theme: Diagnostics/Condition Monitoring

Session Theme: Prognostics/Land HUMS II

Meeting Room 218 Chair: Dr David Blunt, DSTO

Meeting Room 215 Chair: Roger Vodicka, DSTO

1520 - 1545

Accelerated Testing of UH-60 Viscous Bearings for Degraded Grease Fault*, Brian Dykas, Adrian Hood, Timothy Krantz, Marko Klemmer (various)

An Introduction to Prognostic Fingerprint Technology© *, J.D. Cockram, John Baker Copernicus

1545 - 1610

Estimating Bearing Fault Size using Vibration Analysis*, Wenyi Wang, Nader Sawalhi, Andrew Becker

A method through data overload: HUMS System Information Exploitation, Ben Floodpage

1610 - 1635

Vibration Comparison Between Conventional and Hybrid Angular Contact Bearings*, Kelsen E. LaBerge

Landing Gear Health & Usage Management System (HUMS) Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), D. Wiser, C. Forrest ES3

1425 - 1450

A Standard for Filter Debris Analysis, Andrew Becker DSTO, Adrian Weller DTA NZ

1830 - 2300

Congress Dinner and Awards

Papers marked * are peer reviewed, ^ are extra not on USB, $ not currently available

TUESDAY 24th Feb 2015

0830 - 1035

Congress Keynote Plenary - Meeting Room 212

Congress Keynote Addresses 3 & 4

1035 - 1100

Morning tea – Level 2 Foyer

Meeting Room 218 Chair: Dr Peter Frith, DSTO

1100 - 1125

HUMS Keynote 2: Lessons Learnt from 30 Years of RAAF F/A-18 Hornet Usage Monitoring, Rob Findlay BAE Systems Australia (Slides only)^

1125 - 1150

An Innovative Low Maintenance Data Acquisition Solution for Load Factor Capture, Jason Niebuhr & James M. Greer, Jr. (USAF Acad) Diarmuid Corry & Elisabeth O’Brien (Curtiss-Wright) Colin Couper

1150 - 1215

HeloTrack™; Implementing the US Navy’s Newest Rotary Wing Dynamic Component Structural Life Tracking System for Their H-60 Fleet*, Patrick Dwyer, Scott Bradfield, Rich Owen, Amit Singh, Gino Molinaro, Kelli Gass, Daniel Liebschutz, Roberto Semidey & Darrell Hamilton

1215 - 1240

Case Studies: Use of Big Data for Condition Monitoring*, Raj Bharadwaj, Dinkar Mylaraswamy, Andrew Vechart, Marshall Smith, Peter Figliozzi, Prof. Gautum Biswas, Daniel Mack

1240 - 1330

LUNCH – Level 2 Foyer

Session Theme: Helicopter applications

Session Theme: Life Cycle Cost Management/Land HUMS I

Meeting Room 218 Chair: Dr Steve Galea, DSTO

Meeting Room 215 Chair: David Holmes, DSTO

1310 - 1335

A History of Tracking Fatigue of the RAAF F/A-18 Hornet, P D White, L Molent, S Jones, M Gordon

Collection, Storage, Processing and Movement of Aircraft Data using a Validated and Secured Means, Curtis Rihn, Lars Rosenblade, Mark Thompson

1335 - 1400

Validation of an Optical Fibre Based Plate-Wave Mode Conversion Technique for Damage Detection in Plates, C. Rosalie, N. Rajic, P. Norman, C. Davis

Optimising Land Vehicle Life Cycle Cost through Health and Usage Monitoring Systems, Michael Bray,

1400 - 1425

Determination of composite patch thickness on the accuracy of nondestructive testing of the repaired structure of PZL-130 ORLIK aircraft, Michal Salacinski, Andrzej Leski, Piotr Synaszko, Michal Stefaniuk, Krzysztof Dragan

Wireless Sensor Units for HUMS Data Acquisition, Jan Beran, Robert Kalmar, Andrew Vechart

1425 - 1450

Panel Session II: Future of HUMS Data Management – beyond on-aircraft data storage

1450 - 1520

Afternoon tea – Level 2 Foyer

Session Theme: Corrosion Management

Session Theme: Prognostics/Land HUMS II

Meeting Room 218 Chair: Neil Moorhouse, BAE Systems Australia

Meeting Room 215 Chair: Dr Kelsen LaBerge

1520 - 1545

A Method to Estimate the Cost of Corrosion for Australian Defence Force Aircraft*, Mark Cassidy, James Waldie, Suresh Palanisamy

Prototype Rotational Energy Harvester for Structural Health Monitoring*, Owen R. Payne, Scott D. Moss

1545 - 1610

Outcomes of the Corrosion Prognostic Health Management (CPHM) Capability & Technology Demonstrator (CTD), John Jacob, Rob Findlay, Simon Jacob & James Waldie, BAE Systems Aust.. Tony Trueman & Andrew Butler, DSTO ^

Development of Diagnostic Algorithms for HUMS, OeCheul John Kim, Korea Aerospace Industries; Byeong Keun Choi, Byung Hyun Ahn, Jeong Min Ha, Jong Myeong Lee, Yong Ho Jang, all Gyeongsang Nat. Uni. (Abstract Only)^

1610 - 1635

The Development of a Corrosion Prognostic Health Management System, James Waldie (Abstract only)^

Smart Pulse De-ice System for Composites with Integral ice Accretion and Structural Health Sensors, Joseph Gerardi, Gail Hickman, Chris Farmer, IDI. (Slides only)^

1645 - 1710

Closing HUMS2015 session

1710 - 1730

Congress Plenary Closing & Award Presentations


Water Taxis depart South Wharf Landing for Pier 35

1900 - 2300

HUMS Dinner Pier 35

Papers marked * are peer reviewed, ^ are extra not on USB, $ not currently available

Wednesday 25th / Thursday 26th February 2015

0900 - 1205

Avalon Technology Presentations Conference Room 5

Sessions Theme: HUMS

WED 1140 - 1200

On-Board processing for data Reduction in HUMS, Colin Couper, Curtiss-Wright $

THU 1120 - 1145

Novel applications of inductive wear debris sensors – magnetic chip quantification and sump debris quantification, Andy Becker, DSTO ^ (Slides Only)

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