HUMS2025 Data Challenge




  1. Q: How do I ask a question?

    A: Send an email to  , and questions will be responded to on this page.

  2. Q: What do we need to submit to the data challenge, algorithm or result?

    A: You will need to submit both the results and the algorithms used to produce the results. If you have tried to use multiple algorithms, you can submit the best set of results and the algorithm behind the results.
    HUMS2025 committee will develop a format and send a link to registered challengers.

  3. Q: How can we submit our results?

    A: Unlike the previous conference (which had a secure login here, and a cloud service back end), we will receive submissions simply by email after registrations have closed..

  4. Q: Do other team members need to register?

    A: While team members will need to agree to the same Terms and Conditions, a single registered team member will suffice. They will need to report who their team members are when the results are submitted.

  5. Q: When is the last chance to join the HUMS2025 Data Challenge?

    A: Due to scheduling reasons, we need to know the total number of participants to the Data Challenge, so we expect to close the registry of Data Challenge by end of October 2024.

  6. Q: Is it possible to map the curated data files to their load cycle number? Instead of just the time in the filename? For example in the spreadsheet day three had load cycles 4, 5 and 6, yet there are eight data files for that day at 100% power level.

    A: Please see the linked docs for load cycles references. Hope they are helpful.

Updated 2025.12.03 17:20 Adelaide